
Gordon Huang

I am a Master student studying Interaction Design at National Taipei University of Technology.

My goal in the Interaction Design Master program is to build upon my knowledge of interaction design in both the digital and physical worlds. I would like to dive deeper into the user research principles and provide a better experience for the users on all existing platforms: mobile, web browser, and virtual reality environment.


For my undergraduate degree, I chose to study at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. I was able to build a strong foundation in design principles and fundamentals in multiple areas including graphic design, computer programming, and 3D spatial design during my junior years. These fundamentals and principles enabled me to further advance into the areas of user interface design, game design, and product design. All being build upon User Experience Design.

UX Design

UX Design can be defined as the process of creating meaningful and relevant experiences to the users. A user-centered mindset that revolves around the user is a great fit when collaborating with clients to solve problems and develop products together. My passion for design is not only to develop a concept or products that satisfy the users but also the ability to use the design to tell a story and serves a purpose.

A framework process of how I develop and design user experiences:

  1. RESEARCH the domain and user
  2. GENERATE ideas and concepts related to the research
  3. CREATE deliverables throughout the iteration process like
    • Personae
    • User Flow Chart
    • Site map
    • Sketches
    • Wireframes
    • Prototypes
  4. USER TESTING to receive critical feedback from the user or professional through various methods like
    • Analytical Methods
    • Participatory Methods